On Highway

Auto Transport

Steering Conversions

Work Trucks

Clean Fuels & eMobility


Paint Services

Fleet Services

In-Cab Electronics

Chassis Equipment

Bulk Hauling

Idle Reduction

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On Highway

Fontaine Modification can tailor a complete package to address the specific needs of your fleet to ensure that your trucks are uniform and “road ready” in the shortest period.

Quality Engineered and Safety First with All We Do

Quality is not simply a slogan or a poster on the wall. We’ve designed our entire work process, from engineering to pre-delivery testing, to allow us to focus on quality and consistency. Quality is engineered into every installation.

Road Ready

Fontaine can tailor a complete package to address the specific needs of your fleet to ensure that your trucks are uniform and “road ready” in the shortest period. With a common point of service, our modifications are consistent throughout your fleet and backed by our nationally recognized warranty.

In-Cab Electronics

We offer a wide variety of services relating to in-cab electronics. These services include GPS, geofencing, collision mitigation, cameras and event recorders, inverters, and work lights.

Chassis Equipment

We offer the installation of a variety of chassis equipment. This equipment includes toolboxes, cab racks, chain hangers, automatic tire chains, fenders and mud flaps, auto lubrication systems, and hydraulic fifth wheels.

Bulk Hauling

Components for off-loading equipment such as PTOs, pumps, blowers, wet kits, etc. are installed consistently, per your specifications, on each truck. This consistent installation allows your maintenance staff to focus on keeping trucks on the road, maximizing the return on your investment.

Idle Reduction

Idle Reduction is an automated start-stop solution that reduces the truck’s idle time and increases uptime. We work directly with the manufacturer to ensure proper installation. Call or email us for your specific application.