On Highway

Auto Transport

Steering Conversions

Work Trucks

Clean Fuels & eMobility


Paint Services

Fleet Services

In-Cab Electronics

Chassis Equipment

Bulk Hauling

Idle Reduction

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Fleet Services

Fontaine Modification develops and finishes your vehicles to your corporate standards. We maintain consistency of product — the same decals at the precise location on each truck. Your truck will come to you ready to put a driver and fuel in it and start hauling freight. We know that every day that one of your trucks is not in service, it costs you money. We avoid that.

• We complete fleet services at most OEM locations. You will find that our competition works with a limited number of OEMs.

• We communicate — in real-time — the progress of your trucks as the work progresses in our facilities. This is unique in our industry and a real advantage to our customers.

OEMs Serviced by Fontaine



Fontaine can inspect trucks at each of our locations. We are experienced at:

  • DOT inspections
  • OEM Pre delivery inspections (PDI)
  • Fleet specific multi-point inspections
  • Fleet specific, custom pre delivery inspection