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Body Installations

Cab Modifications

Chassis Modifications

Drivetrain Changes

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Body Installations

We can install your body on your chassis. Or, you can choose from high-quality Fontaine Modification bodies or bodies from high-quality producers. In many cases, the complete work truck may be placed back into the shipping system with no, or minimal, extra costs.

Roll Back

A must-have for vehicle recovery, rollback beds are your best solution for towing disabled or damaged vehicles with ease through traffic or city streets.

Roll Off

We provide container lifting solutions to support various industries, including waste, recycling, scrap, demolition, landscaping, construction, and municipalities.


Wrecker installations can be complicated. With our years of experience and our engineering expertise, Fontaine can handle those complications efficiently and cost effectively. And, with excellent paint facilities available, we can make your work truck look great as well as the job look easy.

Hook Lift

Hook lift hoists provide versatility to allow your chassis to perform several different applications, including waste, recycling, scrap, demolition, landscaping, and construction.

Water Tank

For dust control or soil compaction, Fontaine Modification installs 2,000- to 6,000-gallon water tanks featuring internal baffles, water level indicators, a 50′ hose reel, and front, side, and rear independently controlled discharge nozzles


Landscaping crews need specialized bodies to transport tools and supplies to the worksite. These bodies help crews be more productive.

Flat Bed

Flat bed bodies may be ordered with stake pockets for additional versatility.


Versatile bodies for transporting tools and pulling trailers.


The traditional job site work horse. Bodies available in various sizes to optimize your capacity.


These mobile workshops can carry tools needed for the day’s work.